The blacklist: 10 things to know about raymond reddington


Season 5[]

“Greyson Blaise”

One of Kaplan’s associates, Albert Dennison, is found by Tom, tied to a chair and tortured. Tom hides just as Dembe and Reddington enter, revealing they are responsible. Reddington asks where the suitcase is, only for Dennison to laugh before Reddington shoots him twice in the chest. Before he dies, he tells Tom to look for Oleander.

“The Kilgannon Corporation”

Reddington mentioned that during the war with Kaplan, she destroyed his human smuggling networks and the Kilgannons took over his routes.

“Sutton Ross”

After discovering the truth about what is in the duffle bag of bones, Liz lists Kate as one of the people who died trying to reveal the truth to her: the bones belong to the real Raymond Reddington who was truly killed by Liz when she was a kid while protecting her mother and was replaced by the man Liz has known all along as Reddington.

Memorable Raymond Reddington Quotes

31. “Shhh, listen. Hear that? That’s the sound of your checks bouncing.” – Raymond Reddington

32. “In Mexico, there are these fish that have colonized the freshwater caves along Sierra del Abra. They were lost. They found themselves living in complete darkness. But they didn’t die. Instead, they thrived. They adapted. They lost their pigmentation, their sight, eventually even their eyes. With survival, they became hideous. I’ve rarely thought about what I once was. But I wonder if a ray of light were to make it into the cave, would I be able to see it? Or feel it? Would I gravitate to its warmth? And if I did, would I become less hideous?” – Raymond Reddington

33. “I have no interest in cases that I have no interest in.” – Raymond Reddington

34. “The future is a sucker’s bet, a maybe, a contingency, a “What if?” – Raymond Reddington

35. “You see, if you were a betting man, you would understand that now trumps later every time.” – Raymond Reddington

36. “What if I were to tell you that all the things you come to believe about yourself are a lie?” – Raymond Reddington

37. “You talk too much.” – Raymond Reddington

38. “Really, I’m all for being thorough, but at this point, you are just taking the nickel tour.” – Raymond Reddington

39. “Every cause has more than one effect.” – Raymond Reddington

40. “I don’t know if I should be thrilled or terrified.” – Raymond Reddington


Not much is known about Dominic Wilkinson’ past aside from the facts that he was born in Russia and that he is a notorious KGB agent that operated in the United States under the code name “Oleander”, having been investigated by the FBI. Sometime in his life, he had his daughter Katarina Rostova with Virginia Loving. Dom trained Katarina to be a KGB agent just like him and, as her handler, Dom assigned to Katarina the mission to seduce and spy on Raymond Reddington. Following the end of the Cold War, Dom moved to a reclusive house in the United States and assumed the identity of Dominic Wilkinson, a retired systems analyst, and cut down all ties with his family to protect them from reprisals. When it was discovered that Katarina Rostova betrayed the KGB for the Cabal, Dom helped his daughter to escape from Russia and disappear. One year later, following the formation of the Townsend Directive, Dom tried to kill a KGB agent named Tatiana Petrova with a car bomb in Belgrade after framing her as Katarina, in order to keep his granddaughter Masha safe from the Directive, but he failed and killed Tatiana’s husband instead.

Dom is among the very few who know that Raymond Reddington is not the real Raymond Reddington, but an imposter who took over his identity over 30 years ago. As much as Dominic despises him, he has shown to care for Red, as he respected his wishes in not letting his granddaughter know what happened to her mother.

Season 6[]

“Minister D”

Alan Fitch is heard on tape ordering Katarina Rostova to frame Red for treason. It’s also revealed that decades ago, she killed Jordan Loving’s lover and burned the left side of his face after he attempted to blackmail her about the tape.


We learn the history of what happened to Katarina after she walked into the sea and her relationship with the impostor, her friend and lover Ilya Koslov. Though Katarina faked her death by walking into the sea, her fate still remains unknown as her father hasn’t seen or heard from her in 28 years and believes she would’ve made contact if she were still alive.



  • 7 мая 2020 года было объявлено, что Лаура Сон, которая в предыдущем сезоне играла повторяющуюся роль Алины Пак, стала постоянным участником сериала.
  • Рон Рейнс заменил Брайана Деннехи в роли из-за смерти последнего до начала съемок.
  • Кларк Миддлтон , сыгравший Глена Картера, следопыта Реддингтона, умер в октябре 2020 года.
  • 15 июня 2021 года было объявлено, что Меган Бун покинет сериал после восьми сезонов.

Съемки фильма

Производство восьмого сезона началось в сентябре 2020 года с соблюдением полных протоколов безопасности на фоне пандемии COVID-19 .

Отъезд Йона Бокенкампа

24 июня 2021 года создатель сериала Джон Бокенкамп объявил, что покидает сериал после 8 сезонов, чтобы перейти к новым проектам.

Личная жизнь

Она родилась и выросла в Альфаретте и Камминге, штат Джорджия , и является дочерью Андреа (Элви) и Уэбба Редмонда, бывшего морского офицера и полицейского. Ее родители в разводе, оба вступили в повторный брак, и у нее есть 6 братьев и сестер / сводных братьев и сестер между ними. Она училась в Средней школе Южного Форсайта, где занималась театром. В 2006 году она выиграла премию «Прорыв в исполнении» на конкурсе одного акта в Джорджии. После учебы она изучала музыкальный театр по программе CAP21 в Tisch School of the Arts NYU на полную стипендию, но бросила колледж, когда ее взяли на роль в мюзикле Bring it On the Musical.

​What Kind of Suit Does Red Wear?

Red’s trademark style is an unbuttoned, stylish, three piece suit. Red dresses sharp and he has some really nice suits, so it is really important to make sure that you are getting a quality suit and not some frumpy thing made in the 90’s.

You do not need to go to a fancy Men’s formal wear store to get a nice suit these days. I recommend​ this three piece suit.  These suits come in five different colors and feature the three key pieces — jacket, pants, and vest.

Another thing I like is that the suits are considerably inexpensive when considering how expensive some name brand suits can get.

Another option is this Calvin Klein three piece suit.  They offer a name brand while still keeping cost down.

You can also mix and match and buy the three pieces separately. Often Red will wear a vest that is a different color than his suit and jacket. For this look I suggest getting a two piece suit like this Kenneth Cole suit​ and this Perry Ellis black suit vest.

Don’t forget a tie! Red wears a wide variety of ties.  Just make sure the tie matches the rest of the suit and you are good to go.​

​Red’s Shirts

When it comes to choosing a shirt, I would suggest going with a light color shirt like light blue, white, or white with blue pinstripes.

Red wears dark colored suits so his shirts are always a light color. My top choice is this Tommy Hilfiger pinstripe shirt.

I also like this white Calvin Klein button up​ as well as this Van Heusen for the light blue option.

Season 4[]

“Miles McGrath”

She reappeared in a flashback. As Liz is reading her diary, she not only learns about Katarina’s affair with Red, but also a rare cancer plaguing the males in Rostov’s family. She also mentioned that she is glad that Masha won’t suffer the from the rare cancer that Constantin suffers from due to her gender. Katarina and Liz briefly see each other.


We learn the history of Raymond Reddington, Kathryn Nemec, Katarina, Constantin Rostov, Sam Scott, and Elizabeth Keen.

“Mr. Kaplan: Conclusion”

It is revealed that Reddington was involved in Katarina’s fate. Dembe comments that he doesn’t think Elizabeth will “ever be ready to learn about what you did to Katarina”.

Найдено 22 связанных вопросов с ответами

Красный на самом деле Катарина?

Мы знаем, что настоящий Рыжий умер 30 лет назад от руки Лиз, и история о том, что офицер КГБ Илья Козлов позже принял личность Рэда, оказалась всего лишь историей. … Но предпоследняя серия 8 сезона дразнила больше, чем когда-либо. Рыжая действительно Катарина, хотя эти подозрения так и не подтвердились.

Рыжая Катарина Ростова?

* Сегодняшний день Катарина (всегда превосходная Лейла Робинс) появляется, чтобы сбросить эту бомбу на Лиз: Она не настоящая мать Лиз! Это была всего лишь оперативница по имени Татьяна Петрова, которую Илья зачислил на службу. Катарина Ростова в Белграде много лет назад.

Почему Реддингтон убил Сэма?

Реддингтон говорит Сэму, что он проделал фантастическую работу, вырастив Лиззи как свою собственную, и что он будет защищать ее так же, как и он. Реддингтон возражает, заявляя, что она никогда не должна знать. Затем он убивает Сэма положить конец его страданиям, а также чтобы скрыть «правду».

Илья Козлов отец Элизабет Кин?

Зрители Черного списка долгое время исходили из предположения, что Реддингтон (Джеймс Спейдер) и Гарольд Купер (Гарри Ленникс) вернулись в прошлое, но это изменилось, когда Лиз (Меган Бун) рассказала спецгруппе секрет Рэда: на самом деле он русский оперативник. Илья Козлов, а не тот, кого знал Купер.

Почему Лиз выбрала Катарину?

Причина, по которой она это сделала, была потому что она хотела защитить Лиз. Катарина не хотела, чтобы Рэд знал, что Лиз предала его ради нее, и это очень по-матерински, и я думаю, что это то, что я думаю больше, чем что-либо другое, что произошло ранее, убедило Лиз положить яйца в корзину Катарины.

Катарина действительно мама Лиз?

Хотя происхождение связи Рэда с Лиз не полностью объяснено к концу финала 8-го сезона в среду, намеки, изложенные в последних двух эпизодах сезона, настоятельно предполагают, что Раймонд Реддингтон на самом деле мать Лиз, Катарина Ростова (сыграла в воспоминаниях Лотте Вербеек).

Мать Рыжей Лиз?

Настоящий Раймонд Реддингтон был Лиз отец и был убит рукой дочери в детстве, когда она застрелила его. Катарина скрылась в этот момент и Лиз была отправлена ​​жить со своим приемным отцом Сэмом.

Кто настоящий отец Элизабет Кин?

Лиз Кин — дочь Раймонд Реддингтон Спойлеры: Спойлеры: эта статья содержит спойлеры к финалу 8-го сезона «Черного списка». С самого начала «Черного списка» криминальный сериал NBC держал зрителей в напряжении.

Мать мистера Каплана Лиз?

В воспоминаниях 1960-х, 70-х, 80-х годов молодой мистер Каплан, известный как Кэтрин Немек, был нанят матерью Лиз. Катарина Ростова, чтобы быть смотрителем Лиз. Кейт узнает об отношениях Катарины с Реддингтоном и о том, что он считает Лиз своим ребенком.

Почему Красный убил отца Лиз?

Сэм говорит Реддингтону, что хочет, чтобы Лиззи знала «правду» перед его смертью. Реддингтон возражает, заявляя, что она никогда не должна знать. Затем он убивает Сэма, чтобы положить конец его страдание, а также чтобы скрыть «правду». … Красный утешает Элизабет, оплакивая своего отца.

Что Том прошептал Лиз?

На последнем вздохе Том что-то шепчет Элизабет. Красный говорит, что он понял, что человек, которого он только что замучил и убил, не Берлин, а вместо этого оказывается раненым охранником, которого ФБР допросило в больнице. … Лиз встречается с Редом и говорит, что Том сказал ей, что ее отец жив.

Реддингтон действительно Катарина?

Лиз теряет в памяти лицо матери, когда слышит кричащий на нее голос Рэда, а она все время спрашивает, кто он на самом деле является. Сцена сделана таким образом, что явно подразумевает Катарина это тот, кто стал Раймондом Реддингтон.

Как умерла Катарина Ростова?

Но как бы то ни было, я уверен, что в конечном итоге мы узнаем, что Катарина права в этом заявлении, есть одна часть, в которой она ошибается. Когда Лиз подбегает к месту происшествия, Реддингтон дважды стреляет в Катарину, убив ее на глазах у Лиззи.

Кто настоящий отец Лиз Кин?

Лиз Кин — дочь Раймонд Реддингтон Спойлеры: Спойлеры: эта статья содержит спойлеры к финалу 8-го сезона «Черного списка». С самого начала «Черного списка» криминальный сериал NBC держал зрителей в напряжении.

Дженнифер действительно сестра Лиз?

Дженнифер Реддингтон — дочь Раймонда Реддингтона и Наоми Хайланд. Она сводная сестра Лиз.

Последнее обновление: 7 дней назад — Авторов: 12 — Авторов: 14 — Ссылки: 18 интервью и постов; 8 Видео.

​How Does Raymond Reddington Dress?

Red’s style is very much like his personality. Very smart, sharp and confident.

I think the costume designer did excellent work to match character to style. Red typically will wear a three piece suit consisting of suit jacket, pants, suit vest and tie.

On occasion Red will substitute his suit jacket for a windbreaker or long black coat.

In addition, Red will often wear a fedora, gold frame cognac lens aviator sunglasses and made complete with stylish dress shoes.

Please check out the purchasing guide above and we will get into more detail on how to dress like Raymond “Red” Reddington — and also help give you a few ideas on how to compile a «Red» costume.

Season 1[]

“Anslo Garrick: Conclusion”

Red gave Elizabeth Keen contact details for Kate while they were in the ambulance.

After Liz had killed one of the men spying on her and Tom Keen, she called Kate rather than the FBI. Liz was surprised when a woman arrived, but Kate quickly took charge and arranged for the cleaning of the site and the disposal of the body.

Kate then organized the raid on a possible location for Red, which is led by Baz while Dembe Zuma guards Kate and Liz.

“The Cyprus Agency”

She is called by Red to clean up the crime scene after he killed Diane Fowler. He apologized for the mess, but she said that she had been cleaning up after him for a long time.


Kate meets up with Red and Dembe to show them her discovery of the deceased bodies of Lucy Brooks and the Cowboy, further proving his suspicions of Tom Keen. Red states that Kate is a “bloodhound” when it comes to locating corpses. Red tells her to cover it up the same way it was buried and he will decide the next course of action.

​Mr. Reddington’s Jackets

When Red is not wearing a suit jacket he is often seen wearing a blue windbreaker or a long black jacket.

Red’s long black jacket is a black trench coat and the best match I have found is this London Fog Coat​.  This is not an exact match but is very close.

​The exact windbreaker he wears on the show is a Lora Piana Traveler windbreaker sold by Neiman Marcus.  This jacket is extremely expensive and is often out of stock so I do have a few, while not perfect, acceptable alternatives.

My top choice is this Izod Anorak jacket.  I think this is about as close as you will get to his jacket without spending $2,000.00 on the actual jacket worn on the show.

It is not a perfect match, the buttons on the Izod jacket are visible while his jacket on the show are hidden, but that should not be a big deal for most people and is overall a minor discrepancy that would be unnoticed by most.

Another good option is the Carhartt Rockford Rain Defender jacket.  With this jacket we are getting a little more further away from the jacket that he wears on the show with the Carhartt logo on the breast pocket.  However, this is still a solid match.​

Best Raymond Reddington quotes from The Blacklist

1. “Value loyalty above all else.” – Raymond Reddington

2. “You have to make your choices; you have to be happy with them.” – Raymond Reddington

3. “When you love someone, you have no control. That’s what love is. Being powerless.” – Raymond Reddington

4. “Revenge isn’t a passion, it’s a disease that eats at your mind and poisons your soul.” – Raymond Reddington

5. “Dead? Pishposh. What’s death? It’s just a process, right?” – Raymond Reddington

6. “Once you cross over, there are things in the darkness that can keep your heart from feeling the light again.” – Raymond Reddington

7. “There is nothing that can take the pain away. But eventually, you will find a way to live with it.” – Raymond Reddington

8. “The world can be such an unsparingly savage place one can be forgiven for believing that evil will triumph in the end.” – Raymond Reddington

9. “The only thing that is real is the present, and you’ve plundered it, robbed it of the very geniuses that might have averted the dystopia you so fear.” – Raymond Reddington

10. “As you well know, one of the keys to my success is a clear and consistent understanding of my own limitations.” – Raymond Reddington

Season 3[]

“Arioch Cain”

Red called Kate cleanup a massacre of Cabal operatives at an airstrip perpetuated by Reddington and Dembe, including Vargas. While there, she makes it to look like Liz was killed to lure out the person who put a bounty on her head. After she was done with the fake photo, she cleaned up and disposed the bodies.

“The Director: Conclusion”

Kate is seen at a meeting with Reddington’s associates and the FBI task force members running the security measures and listening as Reddington explains his plan to take down the Cabal to exonerate Liz. She accompanies Red to the 8th floor of a building Red is renovating to look exactly like the 6th floor that Peter Kotsiopulos goes to with his wife for marital therapy. When Kate notices a figurine on the 6th that cannot be duplicated, Reddington advises her to get a bowl of apples to replace it. When Peter arrives, Kate lures him to Red where they kidnap him and escape in an OCME van.

“Mr. Gregory Devry”

Kate is seen running with 3 cleaners that work for her to clean up a quadruple murder when two men come in and kill her team leaving Kate. They let her live to deliver a message to her boss: “they know”. After she tells Red she leaves and warns Liz that he is in a bad mood. After Red kills the man responsible, Marcus Caligiuri, Kate thanks him and reassures him he won’t lose Liz.

“Mr. Solomon: Conclusion”

After Liz is hurt after an assault team led by Matias Solomon tries to abduct her, Kate picks Liz and Tom up from the hospital they were hiding in. Kate then drives her to a nightclub Reddington modified into an improvised ER run by Nik to treat Liz after she was injured in a car accident endangering her and her baby.

When Red starts criticizing Dembe for not being able to protect her, Kate defends Dembe saying Reddington is too blame for this, making everyone believe he could protect her. Kate watches as Liz gives birth to a baby girl named Agnes and steps in when Liz refuses to let Red see either of them and talks to Liz and Tom.

When Liz starts bleeding, Kate supervises the transport of specialized equipment to help Liz and later cautions Red that Solomon is still out there and still looking for them. Kate gets Red to leave Liz’s body after she died on the way to the hospital to avoid the police. Kate is last seen escorting her body to be handled for a funeral by their people.

“Alexander Kirk: Conclusion”

Kate is looking after Agnes with Red while Tom is away and Red thanks her with everything she has done for her. While out shopping with Tom and Agnes, Tom gives them the slip taking Agnes with her.

Reddington discovered that Kate helped provide documents to Tom and Agnes so they could flee to Cuba. When Red confronts her, Kate admits it and says she did it to protect Agnes from Reddington but he reveals that he knows they are in Cuba because Alexander Kirk knows it too and is on his way to take them. Kate then reveals in horror that Liz is alive and hiding with them too, having faked her death at Kate’s direction.

When Liz refused to let Red in to see Agnes, Kate used the opportunity to propose Liz fake her death so she could escape Reddington’s world. Before that she approached Nik and he explained what he needed to put her into a medically induced coma by faking her vitals dropping. Nik then injected her with a beta blocker to disguise her slowed heart rate as a flatline. Once Kaplan escorted her body out, Nik injected her with a drug to counter the beta-blocker and Liz was brought out of the coma, alive.

Red, Dembe, and Kate arrive at the house, only to find all 3 missing with signs of a struggle. Red turns to Kate, holding a gun to face, and asks what they are going to do with her.

Best Raymond Reddington quotes and lines

11. “You see that Geoff, that is what a good man does. That is what separate men like him from men like you… and me.” – Raymond Reddington

12. “You can’t judge a book by its cover. But you can by it’s first few chapters and certainly by its last.” – Raymond Reddington

13. “As bad as you think I am, as far as you think I’m willing to go to protect that which I hold dear…” – Raymond Reddington

14. “Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about.” – Raymond Reddington

15. “In this world, there are no sides. Only players.” – Raymond Reddington

16. “I had bullets. He had words. But when he was done talking for the first time, I truly understood which of those was more powerful.” – Raymond Reddington

17. “God can’t protect you, but I can.” – Raymond Reddington

18. “I always found fear to be my most valuable sense.” – Raymond Reddington

19. “You know the problem with drawling lines in the sand? With a breath of air, they disappear.” – Raymond Reddington

20. “Is it just me or is the human race armed with religion, poisoned by prejudice, and absolutely frantic with hatred and fear, galloping pell-mell back to the Dark Ages? Who on Earth is hurt by a little girl going to school or a child being gay?” – Raymond Reddington


Other than Red’s sunglasses and fedora, his most notable accessory would have to be his watch. Red wears a GMT Master II made by Rolex.

​This is a very expensive accessory, but I thought I should show you where to get the real thing.

For most of us the SO&CO Yacht club watch is a much more realistic option. This watch looks very close to the watch he wears on the show and would make an excellent addition to your Raymond Reddington outfit.


Red’s signature glasses are one of my favorite parts of the Raymond Reddington outfit. They have gold frames with cognac lenses.

You can find the exact same glasses available on Amazon and sold by SunglassesRave.

​If you are doing a Raymond Reddington costume, I highly suggest you include these because — like the Fedora — it is a key piece to his outfit.

If you would rather use a pair of your own glasses, make sure they have cognac lenses, otherwise they will just not look right and you would be better off without them.


While researching what kind of hat Red wears, I found that the idea of the fedora was actually James Spader’s idea. He thought the hat would go well with the character and I have to agree.

If you want to include Reddingtons fedora, there is an exact replica available on Amazon​.  I was also able to find a close match to his grey fedora sold by Belfry Hats.

Personally, I like the black fedora and considering that it is a replica of the hat he wears on “The Blacklist” I would recommend going with that one.​

If you’re looking for his straw fedora, this Stetson is a pretty close match.​

Other Raymond Reddington Quotes

41. Red: “Ever wonder why Dembe stays with me? Why anyone so decent would spend his days at the side of someone so indecent?” – Raymond Reddington

Liz: “You saved him. He owes you his life. He protects you because you protected him.”

Red: “No, Elizabeth. Dembe didn’t stay with me because he saw me as his savior. He stayed with me because he saw me for the man I really was. A man surrounded by darkness. No friends who could be trusted. No faith that loyalty or love could truly exist. I was younger then. Angrier. Dembe connected his life with mine to show me that day and every day that the world is not what I fear it to be. He is the light in the darkness. Living proof that there is another way. That life can be good. That people can be kind. That a man like me may one daydream of becoming a man like him. He pledged his life and offered it up as evidence that I was wrong about this world. Dembe guards my life because he’s determined to save my soul.”

42. Crandall: “Life on Earth is going to end. Soon. Cryonics is our only hope.

Red: It won’t work.”

Crandall: “I’m betting it will.”

Red: “Ah. So you are a gambling man. Let’s place that bet, shall we?”

43. Donald Ressler : “Why save me?”

Raymond Reddington: “Because that’s what you do when someone’s dying in front of you.”

44. Elizabeth Keen: “And I’m supposed to believe you?”

Raymond ‘Red’ Reddington: “Of course not! I’m a criminal. Criminals are notorious liars. Everything about me is a lie. But, if anyone will give me a second chance it’s you. The two of us have overcome so much.”

45. Elizabeth Keen: “A lawyer? How is that gonna help us with this?”

Raymond Reddington: “Lawyers find and exploit loopholes. It’s what makes them so loathsome. And Marvin Gerard is the most loathsome of them all. That’s what makes him so invaluable.”

46. Elizabeth Keen: “A man’s life is at stake!”

Raymond Reddington: “A man’s life is always at stake. And tragically low stakes at that. I should remind you that I did not offer you my services to help you round up your run of the mill drug lord or what have you. You all seem to be doing a perfectly mediocre job of that on your own. I’m after the big game Lizzie. The ones that matter.”

47. Elizabeth Keen: “You have a suburban housewife printing fake money out of her garage.”

Raymond Reddington: “Mary is an artist. She has a tremendous gift.”

48. “A farmer comes home one day to find that everything that gives meaning to his life is gone. Crops are burned, animals slaughtered, bodies and broken pieces of his life strewn about. Everything that he loved taken from him – his children. One can only imagine the pit of despair, the hours of Job-like lamentations, the burden of existence. He makes a promise to himself in those dark hours. A life’s work erupts from his knotted mind. Years go by. His suffering becomes complicated. One day he stops – the farmer who is no longer a farmer – sees the wreckage he’s left in his wake. It is now he who burns, he who slaughters, and he knows in his heart he must pay.”

49. Elizabeth Keen: “I’m sorry, you’re decoding CIA messages on behalf of the Chinese…”

Raymond Reddington: “Now you see? You make it sound like treason, so black and white. It’s not, it’s green.”

50. Raymond ‘Red’ Reddington: “This is a Colt .45 1911. I can strip and reassemble this weapon in well under two minutes.”

Aram Mojtabai: “Mr. Reddington, please.”

Raymond Reddington: “Once I have it reassembled, I’m gonna reload the mag and if at that time, your task remains incomplete, I’m gonna empty that mag into your head.”

Aram Mojtabai: “That’s really messed up.”

Raymond Reddington: “Don’t look so stricken. The first shot will kill you.”

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